My name is David Ayiek Ngicwun Malith.
I was born in South Sudan a while ago.
I was born in South Sudan but I do not know when. My mom said it was around the first communal conflict between Rek, our community, and Agar, our neighbours. So I took 1999 to be the year. As for the day and month, I took the lost boys’ birthday.
My dad is polygamous so I have three mothers and eight other siblings. I am the second born of the first wife. My family is back in Sudan. It’s been two years since I live in Kakuma, the refugee camp in Kenya that hosts over 230,000 of us. I ran away from Sudan in search of opportunities. In my mind, that only means one thing. Education.
Kakuma is not an ideal place to stay. I chose to call it the freedom prison. There are many restrictions people here face. I will tell you about it in my stories.
So here I am, imprisoned, but serving a great master – Education. I am studying for a Bachelor of Arts in Sustainability. I don’t know where it will take me but I hope that one day I will know what true freedom feels like.